How To Be Open to Receive Abundance | Universe Works Its Magic (2024)

Having experienced the transformative power of surrender and embracing the divine journey firsthand, I am deeply passionate about sharing these insights with others on how to be open to receive abundance.

Through this blog post, you will gain practical tips and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness between your spiritual path and the abundance that awaits you.

Here are 5 tips on how to be open to receive abundance:

#1. Cultivate an abundance mindset

How To Be Open to Receive Abundance | Universe Works Its Magic (1)

You cannot really learn how to be open to receive abundance if you don’t have an abundance mindset. This step is crucial in fact, I’ve dedicated a 2 hour abundance mindset course to learn how to cultivate an abundance mindset and manifest your dreams.

Cultivating an abundance mindset helps you open yourself up to new opportunities. It creates a shift in your perception, and allows you to achieve things that you believed to be unachievable.

By cultivating an abundance mindset I felt like I was reborn as a new person. I let go of what I thought was best for me and I surrendered to God’s plan for me which allowed me to be open to receive abundance. If I stuck to my plan which was causing me a lot of suffering in my life, I would have never been able to allow the universe to show me its greatness.


#2. Stop trying to force things into a certain direction

Our ego is the master of control, and constantly seeks certainty and security. So we end up trying to control things that are beyond our control. When everything in our life tells us to take a step back and pause, we try to force things into a certain direction.

By doing this, we get into the way of the universe and interfere with its magical flow. Our mind tells us that it knows what’s best – implying that it knows more than God (haha- as if!).

We fail to read the signs from the universe. Instead of taking a break and allowing ourselves to be open to receive abundance, we keep pushing and trying to make things happen our way against all odds.

When everything in life seems to be working against you, or when you find yourself facing one obstacle after the other, take a step back and focus on connecting with your spirit. Take better care of yourself and listen to your intuition. It will guide you better than your ego to receive abundance and manifest your dreams.

#3. Be open to receive abundance from different channels

This was a big lesson for me! I was working on several different projects and taking aligned action with my intentions. I was doing everything by the book to follow what I had learned. To my surprise I started receiving fantastic opportunities from different channels than what I was working on.

At first I was confused and I even rejected some of them. I wanted to receive abundance from the projects that I was working on so I closed myself off to other opportunities. It took me a few months to open my eyes and understand that the universe was hearing my prayers and responding.

I needed to learn how to surrender to the universe in order to stop blocking myself from receiving abundance. So I told my ego to take a break and allowed the universe to work its magic. If God wanted to fill up my cup through different ways and means, who am I to refuse them?

Related: 10 Signs of blocked feminine energy

4#. Fill every cell of your body with gratitude

How To Be Open to Receive Abundance | Universe Works Its Magic (2)

Practicing gratitude is a powerful way of being that allows you to be open to receive abundance. When you feel grateful you raise your vibration and it becomes easier to attract abundance in your life thanks to the law of attraction.

Being grateful means that you recognize how blessed you already are. It’s a way of saying thank you to the universe for everything it has given you so far. Acknowledging what you have and embracing it naturally makes you more open to receiving more abundance.

On the other hand, if you get stuck focusing on whatever you feel is lacking in your life, you’ll just feel less abundant, and more frustrated. Following these abundance mindset exercises can help you feel more grateful and open to receiving abundance.

#5. Develop a spiritual practice

How To Be Open to Receive Abundance | Universe Works Its Magic (3)

Our busy lives and distractions can interfere with our spiritual connection to ourselves, to God, and to nature. The more you distance yourself from your true essence – spirit, the harder it will be for you to be open to receive abundance.

Being too distracted or stressed out with life can block out opportunities and you can easily miss the signs from the universe. Developing a spiritual practice helps you stay grounded and connected to Divine consciousness.

A spiritual practice can take many forms, it’s not the same for everyone as it’s something very personal. What makes me feel good and connected to spirit, might not be the same for you. Embrace your authenticity and follow what feels good to you in your heart.

Related: How to raise your vibration for manifestation

Spiritual practices to be open to receive abundance:

  • meditation in daily life
  • journaling
  • music
  • movement
  • art
  • spending time in nature
  • reading scripture

If you want to learn more on how to be open to receive abundance, you can check out my abundance mindset course that will teach you everything you need to do to change the direction of your life.

Remember that you carry within you Life force energy, the essence of God. That means that you are a creator and that you have infinite possibilities and ways of how you can create and attract abundance in your life.


How to be open to receive abundance

Following these steps will help you be open to receive abundance:
1. Cultivate an abundance mindset
2. Stop trying to force things into a certain direction
3. Be open to receive abundance from different channels
4. Fill every cell of your body with gratitude
5. Develop a spiritual practice

How to receive abundance from the universe

To receive abundance from the universe we need to learn how to surrender and allow the universe to work its magic. By strengthening our faith, we find it easier to let go of what we think is best and follow the universe’s plan for us that is filled with abundance, grace and prosperity.

Additional Resources:

Is Manifestation A Sin?

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How To Be Open to Receive Abundance | Universe Works Its Magic (2024)


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.