Twenty First Century Science - GCSE · Twenty First Century Science General Certificate of Secondary Education ... A331/02 - [PDF Document] (2024)

Twenty First Century Science - GCSE· Twenty First Century Science General Certificate of Secondary Education ... A331/02 - [PDF Document] (1)

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations


Twenty First Century Science General Certificate of Secondary Education

Science A J630, Biology A J633, Chemistry A J634, Physics A J635

Mark Schemes for the Units June 2007

J630, J633, J634, J635/MS/R/07

Twenty First Century Science - GCSE· Twenty First Century Science General Certificate of Secondary Education ... A331/02 - [PDF Document] (2)

OCR (Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations) is a unitary awarding body, established by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate and the RSA Examinations Board in January 1998. OCR provides a full range of GCSE, A level, GNVQ, Key Skills and other qualifications for schools and colleges in the United Kingdom, including those previously provided by MEG and OCEAC. It is also responsible for developing new syllabuses to meet national requirements and the needs of students and teachers. This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and students, to indicate the requirements of the examination. It shows the basis on which marks were awarded by Examiners. It does not indicate the details of the discussions which took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking commenced. All Examiners are instructed that alternative correct answers and unexpected approaches in candidates’ scripts must be given marks that fairly reflect the relevant knowledge and skills demonstrated. Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the published question papers and the Report on the Examination. OCR will not enter into any discussion or correspondence in connection with this mark scheme. © OCR 2007 Any enquiries about publications should be addressed to: OCR Publications PO Box 5050 Annesley NOTTINGHAM NG15 0DL Telephone: 0870 870 6622 Facsimile: 0870 870 6621 E-mail: [emailprotected]

Twenty First Century Science - GCSE· Twenty First Century Science General Certificate of Secondary Education ... A331/02 - [PDF Document] (3)


GCSE Twenty First Century Science

Science A J630 Biology A J633 Chemistry J634 Physics A J635


Unit Content Page * Guidance for examiners 1 A211/01 Modules B1, C1, P1 Foundation 3 A211/02 Modules B1, C1, P1 Higher 9 A212/01 Modules B2, C2, P2 Foundation 15 A212/02 Modules B2, C2, P2 Higher 21 A213/01 Modules B3, C3, P3 Foundation 27 A213/02 Modules B3, C3, P3 Higher 33 A214/01 Ideas in Context - Foundation 39 A214/02 Ideas in Context - Higher 43 A221/01 Modules B1, B2, B3 Foundation 47 A221/02 Modules B1, B2, B3 Higher 51 A321/01 Modules C1, C2, C3 Foundation 55 A321/02 Modules C1, C2, C3 Higher 63 A331/01 Modules P1, P2, P3 Foundation 75 A331/02 Modules P1, P2, P3 Higher 81 * Grade Thresholds 86

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Guidance for Examiners 1. Mark strictly to the mark scheme.

2. Make no deductions for wrong work after an acceptable answer unless the mark scheme says otherwise.

3. Each separate marking point is indicated by a semicolon (;) at the end of that marking point.

4. Abbreviations, annotations and conventions used in the detailed Mark Scheme:

ORA = or reverse argument NOT = point that is not given credit AW/owtte = alternative wording/or words to that effect: allow any expression that is clearly equivalent / = Alternative and acceptable answers for the same marking point point = point must be present to gain the mark (description) = description which need not be present to gain the mark

E.g. mark scheme shows ‘work done in lifting / (change in) gravitational potential energy’ work done = 0 marks work done lifting = 1 mark change in potential energy = 0 marks gravitational potential energy = 1 mark

5. If a candidate alters his/her response, examiners should accept the alteration.

6. The list principle: if a list of responses greater than the number requested is given, you work through the list from the beginning. Award one mark for each correct response, ignore any neutral response, and deduct one mark for any incorrect response, i.e. one which has an error of science. If the number of incorrect responses is equal to or greater than the number of correct responses, no marks are awarded. A neutral response is correct but irrelevant to the question.

7. Marking method for tick boxes: If there is a set of boxes, some of which should be ticked and others left empty, then you

need to judge the entire set of boxes.

E.g. If a question requires candidates to identify a city in England, then in the boxes

Edinburgh Manchester Paris Southampton

the second and fourth boxes should have ticks (or other clear indication of choice) and the

first and third should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). For a two-mark question, the rationale would be:

All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank scores 0 marks. All four boxes correct scores 2 marks. Three boxes correct scores 1 mark. Two boxes correct scores 1 mark. Edinburgh Manchester × Paris Southampton × Score: 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 NR

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Twenty First Century Science - GCSE· Twenty First Century Science General Certificate of Secondary Education ... A331/02 - [PDF Document] (6)


Mark Scheme A211/01June 2007

Twenty First Century Science - GCSE· Twenty First Century Science General Certificate of Secondary Education ... A331/02 - [PDF Document] (7)

A211/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 1 a

One correct word in correct box = 1 Allow any clear indication of correct response, eg line from box to word in the list below, number in box and corresponding number next to work on list. Allow ‘inner core’ or ‘outer core’ for ‘core’.


b Earthquakes Volcanoes

Two correct responses = 2 marks One correct response = 1 mark If more than two responses, each incorrect response cancels out a correct one.


Total 5 2 a

distance light travels in one year

Any clear indication of correct response = 1 mark More than one response = 0 marks


b Measure parallax

Any clear indication of correct response = 1 mark More than one response = 0 marks



Look at the links as they leave the left-hand boxes. If any left-hand box has more than one link, count those links as incorrect. Three links correct scores 3 marks. Two links correct scores 2 marks. One link correct scores 1 mark.


Total 5


core crust

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A211/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 3 a

(C) B D A

B before D (1 mark); D before A (1 mark) If any letter (including C) is repeated, 0 marks.


b hydrogen

Any clear indication of correct response = 1 mark More than one response = 0 marks


c (nuclear) fusion

NOT fission, NOT just ‘nuclear’ Accept phonetically correct spelling of ‘fusion’.


Total 4 4 a hydrogen;

oxygen 1 mark each. Must be in the correct order (hydrogen on first line, oxygen on second). Accept H or H2 for hydrogen, O or O2 for oxygen. More than one answer on a line = 0 marks for that line.


b Buses mean less traffic Less noise

Two correct responses = 2 marks One correct response = 1 mark If more than two responses, each incorrect response cancels out a correct one.


c Energy less

Any clear indication of correct response = 1 mark More than one response = 0 marks


Total 5

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A211/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 5 a Barry;

Tom; 1 mark each, either order. If there are more than two names, each extra name loses 1 mark.


b Barry More than one name = 0 marks. 1 c i 17 Accept seventeen.

If no response, look at graph on whole-page view and give mark if central point is correctly labelled 17.


ii 12th December Allow 12 or twelve; or fuller date eg 12/12/05. If no response, look at graph and give mark if correct date is indicated eg by circling 12 on x-axis.


iii No correlation

Any clear indication of correct response = 1 mark More than one response = 0 marks


Total 6 6 a

Do not count the dotted line Look at the links as they leave the left-hand boxes. If any left-hand box has more than one link, count those links as incorrect. Three links correct scores 2 marks. One or two links correct scores 1 mark. Accept non-straight lines.


b Three atoms (circles) must be joined but can be any size and arranged in any configuration and in any order. Only one must be shaded or labelled S.


Total 3

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A211/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 7 a i asexual Do not allow sexual.

More than one word= 0 marks.


ii clones Accept ‘clone.’ More than one word= 0 marks.


iii environmental Accept ‘environment.’ More than one word = 0 marks.


b i sexual Do not accept asexual More than one word = 0 marks.


ii X and Y Must be in the correct order (X on first line, Y on second). BOTH are needed for the mark. More than one letter in either space = 0 marks


Total 5 8 a

Children of mothers with breast cancer at higher risk

Any clear indication of correct response = 1 mark More than one response = 0 marks.


b A section of DNA..

Any clear indication of correct response = 1 mark More than one response = 0 marks.


c in favour worried neither Gerry Selina

Cathy Jacob

Do not count any name appearing in more than one column. Names can be in any order. All four correct = 3 marks three or two correct = 2 marks one correct = 1 mark


Total 5

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A211/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 9 a

Individual Alleles 1 (Aa) 2 aa 3 aa 4 Aa

Mark each box independently. 1 mark for each correct box (first box already given). Last box may be Aa or aA.


b DNA Accept dna, deoxyribonucleic acid for DNA Accept gene, genes or alleles. Do not accept ‘dominant alleles’ or ‘recessive alleles’ alone, however can accept ‘dominant alleles’ and ‘recessive alleles’ together. If more than one response is given, any incorrect response cancels out a correct response.


Total 4

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Mark Scheme A211/02June 2007

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A211/02 Mark Scheme June 2007

10 10

Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 1 a

(C) B D A

B before D (1 mark); D before A (1 mark) If any letter (including C) is repeated, 0 marks.


b hydrogen

Any clear indication of correct response = 1 mark More than one response = 0 marks


c (nuclear) fusion

NOT fission, NOT just ‘nuclear’ Accept phonetically correct spelling of ‘fusion’.


d 5 thousand million years

Any clear indication of correct response = 1 mark More than one response = 0 marks


Total 5 2 a Mantle

Accept upper mantle 1

b 5m

Accept any clear marking of the third answer to indicate choice. Accept ‘5m’ written. Accept ‘500cm’ written.


c Chain of mountains D Pattern of magnetic stripes D

Two correct responses = 2 marks One correct response = 1 mark If more than two responses, each incorrect response cancels out a correct one.


Total 4

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A211/02 Mark Scheme June 2007

11 11

Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 3 a i

there is life on Earth

Any clear indication of correct response = 1 mark More than one response = 0 marks


a ii the scientists working on problem will never collect enough data some factors .. can only be estimated

Two correct responses = 2 marks One correct response = 1 mark If more than two responses, each incorrect response cancels out a correct one.


b currently no evidence .. existence of alien life there are planets outside of our solar system

Two correct responses = 2 marks One correct response = 1 mark If more than two responses, each incorrect response cancels out a correct one.


Total 5

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A211/02 Mark Scheme June 2007

12 12

Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 4 a

Individual Alleles 1 (Aa) 2 aa 3 aa 4 Aa

Mark each box independently. 1 mark for each correct box (first box already given). Last box may be Aa or aA


b 50%


c DNA Accept dna, deoxyribonucleic acid for DNA Accept gene, genes or alleles. Do not accept ‘dominant alleles’ or ‘recessive alleles’ alone, however can accept ‘dominant alleles’ and ‘recessive alleles’ together. If more than one response is given, any incorrect response cancels out a correct response.


d protein

Any clear indication of ‘protein’ as their choice.


Total 6 5 a

environmental factors

Any clear indication of correct response = 1 mark More than one response = 0 marks



Look at the links as they leave the left-hand boxes. If any left-hand box has more than one link, count those links as incorrect. All four links correct scores 3 marks. Three links correct scores 2 marks. Two links correct scores 2 marks. One link correct scores 1 mark.


Total 4

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A211/02 Mark Scheme June 2007

13 13

Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 6 a B and F

Answers can be in either order. Both must be correct to award the mark.


b E 1

c A and D and G Answers can be in any order. All must be correct to award 2 marks. Any two out of three correct, award 1mark. One correct, award 0 marks. If more than three responses, each incorrect response cancels out a correct one.


Total 4 7 a Barry;

Tom; 1 mark each, either order. If there are more than two names, each extra name loses 1 mark.


b Barry More than one name = 0 marks. 1

c No correlation

Any clear indication of correct response = 1 mark More than one response = 0 marks.


Total 4

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A211/02 Mark Scheme June 2007

14 14

Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 8 a Hydrocarbons

1 b i C Accept ‘carbon in the petrol reacts with a limited supply of oxygen from

the air’.

1 b ii D

Accept ‘nitrogen and oxygen in the air react with each other’. 1


a single molecule drawn like this (dark circle with a clear circle either side, clear circles must not be touching each other. Circles need not be in a straight line) = award 1

mark Two molecules the same (each molecule must consist of 1 dark circle and 2 clear circles) award 1 mark.


d some CO2 is used by plants in photosynthesis some carbon dioxide dissolves in the oceans

Both boxes need to be correctly identified to get the mark


Total 6 9 a 113

Accept 567/5 (indication of 567 divided by 5). Alternatively accept 113.4 Accept 116 or 116.25 (if 102 is disregarded as an outlier) eg (465/4)


b 102 to 125 both correct for 1 mark 1

c ranges old and new do not overlap mean of new outside range for the old fuel

Two correct responses = 2 marks One correct response = 1 mark If more than two responses, each incorrect response cancels out a correct one.


Total 4

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Mark Scheme A212/01June 2007

Twenty First Century Science - GCSE· Twenty First Century Science General Certificate of Secondary Education ... A331/02 - [PDF Document] (19)

A212/01 Mark Scheme June 2007

16 16 16

Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 1 a i


Accept any clear mark on correct word. See note 8. More than one response = 0 marks


ii rust

Accept any clear mark on correct word. See note 8. More than one response = 0 marks



the energy used in making the plastic the disposal of the plastic after it is used

One mark for each correct answer. If three ticks mark these responses and deduct 1 mark. If four ticks 0 marks.



make plastics from plants only use plastics that can be easily recycled

One mark for each correct answer. If three ticks mark these responses and deduct 1 mark. If four ticks 0 marks.


Total 6 2 a C / to make sure the results are reliable More than one response = 0 marks. 1 b A / The line could have been thinner than usual.

D / There was a mistake in counting the number of masses

One mark for each correct answer in EITHER order. If three answers given. Mark the answers and deduct 1 mark. If four answers 0 marks.


c 11

Accept any clear mark on correct number. More than one response = 0 marks


Total 4

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A212/01 Mark Scheme June 2007

17 17 17

Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 3 a cotton Two or more responses from cotton, polyester, elastene = 0 marks

DON’T accept 67% alone.


b (B) D A E C D before A (1 mark); A before E (1 mark); E before C (1 mark) If any letter is used twice. Ignore the second.


Total 4 4 a i visible/light/visible light/ultraviolet/uv/gamma/

gamma rays/infra red/x-rays One mark for any correct answer. See note9.


ii infra red / x-rays One mark for any correct answer. 1 Total 2 5 a

stay out of the sun put sunscreen on regularly

One mark for each correct answer. If three boxes ticked mark these responses and deduct one mark. If four or five boxes ticked 0 marks




A tick in any other box = 0 marks


c ozone layer / ozone / O3 One mark for any correct answer.


d i Aran Tony

One mark for each correct answer in EITHER order. If three names given mark answers and deduct 1 mark. 4 names given = 0

1 1

ii Sara More than one response = 0 marks 1 Total 7

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A212/01 Mark Scheme June 2007

18 18 18

Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 6 a Andrew More than one response = 0 marks 1 b Kate

Gemma One mark for each correct answer in EITHER order. If three names given mark answers and deduct 1 mark. 4 or 5 names given = 0


c Tom More than one response = 0 marks 1 d

You cannot make accurate assumptions based on a single case

A tick in any other box = 0 marks


Total 5 7 a




Judge entire set of six words: first, second and sixth should have rings around them. One mark for each correct answer. If four words ringed mark these responses and deduct one mark. If five words ringed mark these responses and deduct two marks. If six words ringed 0 marks


b i 8 / eight 1 ii 64 / sixty four 1 Total 5

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A212/01 Mark Scheme June 2007

19 19 19

Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 8


Do you smoke? Do you exercise regularly

One mark for each correct answer. If three boxes ticked mark these responses and deduct one mark. If four or five boxes ticked 0 marks



Fewer men are smoking. Better drugs are used after heart attacks

One mark for each correct answer. If three boxes are ticked mark these responses and deduct 1 mark. If four boxes are ticked = 0 marks



They have less fat in their diet

A tick in any other box = 0 marks


Total 5 9 a microorganisms;

immune system; antibodies

All three right = 2 marks Two or one right = 1 mark


b Vaccines may have serious side effects New vaccines may be no better than existing treatments

One mark for each correct answer. If three boxes ticked mark these responses and deduct one mark. If four or five boxes ticked 0 marks


Total 4

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A212/01 Mark Scheme June 2007

20 20 20

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Mark Scheme A212/02June 2007

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A212/02 Mark Scheme June 2007

22 22 22 22

Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 1 a C/ to make sure the results are reliable More than one response = 0 marks.

1 b A / The line could have been thinner than usual.

D / There was a mistake in counting the number of masses

One mark for each correct answer in EITHER order. If three answers given. Mark the answers and deduct 1 mark. If four answers 0 marks.


c 11

Accept any clear mark on correct number. More than one response = 0 marks


Total 4 2 a Ahmed

David Rosie

Any order: 3 right = 2 marks 2 right = 1 mark


b i Corn is renewable Polymer can be recycled

One mark per correct answer. If more than two boxes are ticked, deduct a mark for each incorrect answer down to a minimum of zero marks.

1 1

ii Making polymer Melting and shaping Transporting

3 right = 2 marks 2 right = 1 mark If 4 boxes ticked = 1 mark


Total 6 3 a

Polythene X linking slide Vulc ch length tangle PVC crystallin lger fo hdpe plasticis fit

2 Marks for each complete side correct. 1 mark for 1 or 2 lines correct on each side. Mark lines from left to middle, then from middle to right. Two lines FROM one box is wrong. Don’t mark the line dotted in the mark scheme.


Total 4

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A212/02 Mark Scheme June 2007

23 23 23 23

Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 4 a Kate

Gemma One mark for each correct answer in EITHER order. If three names given mark answers and deduct 1 mark. 4 or 5 names given = 0

1 1

b Tom More than one response = 0 marks 1 c

water vapour methane

One mark per correct answer. If more than two boxes are ticked, deduct a mark for each incorrect answer down to a minimum of zero marks.

1 1

d Cannot make accurate assumptions

A tick in any other box is zero.


Total 6 5 a Ring around 2nd statement – Benefit outweighs risk. Any other statement gets zero marks. 1 b Selects only ‘never use’ on left

Connects only to ‘risk + no need to use’ on right 1

1 3

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A212/02 Mark Scheme June 2007

24 24 24 24

Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 6 a

Cook on low power for a longer time Cook on high power for a shorter time

One mark per correct answer. If more than two boxes are ticked, deduct a mark for each incorrect answer down to a minimum of zero marks.

1 1

b To reflect microwaves

Tick in any other box is zero marks.


c power output - photons per second The intensity decreases - power is spread

One mark per correct answer. If more than two boxes are ticked, deduct a mark for each incorrect answer down to a minimum of zero marks.

1 1

Total 5 7 a

Fewer men smoking Better drugs

One mark for each correct answer. If three boxes are ticked mark these responses and deduct 1 mark.If four boxes are ticked = 0 marks

1 1

b Less fat in diet

Tick in any other box is zero marks


Total 3

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A212/02 Mark Scheme June 2007

25 25 25 25

Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 8 a

Changes to cells, not cancers Women all aged 16-23 Undetected side effects

If more than three boxes are ticked, deduct a mark for each incorrect answer down to a minimum of zero marks.

1 1 1

b i Placebo 1 ii

No alternative treatment Both groups benefit from medical checks

Both ticks (and no others) needed for mark


iii Doctor

only Patient

only Both Neither

Open Blind Double- blind

One mark for each correct row


c i Sorrel Thomas

Any order, If extra names are given then mark the first 2 1 1

ii Polly, Sarah, Marcus All 3 correct for 1 mark 1 Total 11

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A212/02 Mark Scheme June 2007

26 26 26 26

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Mark Scheme A213/01June 2007

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A213/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 1 a i fossils Ignore any misspelling in a written response providing that the

candidate’s meaning is clear and unambiguous. 1

ii DNA 1 b i 3 Accept “three” or any correct and clear unambiguous response. 1 ii 4 Accept “four” or any correct and clear unambiguous response. 1 Total 4 2 a imagination Accept evidence 1 b predictions 1 c evidence 1 Total 3 3 a A Accept “a” 1 b


Total 3 4 a 50 Accept fifty 1 b

Different numbers… released

Only one answer is allowed. No mark is awarded if there are two or more ticks. Accept crosses or other clear indications of choice.


c cause direct indirect natural hunting

expansion evolution

Each row should have only one tick (or other indication of choice). Do not credit any row with more than one tick or other clear indication of choice. Three rows correct scores 2 marks. One or two rows correct scores 1 mark.


Total 4

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A213/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 5 a Increase

Decrease 1

1 b

Rotate crops

Spread manure

One mark per correct choice. There should be only two choices. If there are three choices, award one mark if two of them are correct. All other possibilities of more than two choices get no marks.


c D; A; D;

All 3 correct = 2 marks 1 or 2 correct = 1 mark 2

Total 6 6

All 3 correct = 2 marks 2 or 1 correct = 1 mark If the left hand box has two, or more, lines from it then count both as incorrect.


Total 2

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A213/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 7 a Type 2; Allow 2 on its own 1 b

... and prevent diabetes


c 15 (%) Allow fifteen. 1 d

true false Sarah Martin Anna Jane Joe

All five rows correct scores 3 marks. Four rows correct scores 2 marks. Two or three rows correct scores 1 mark. Only one row correct scores no marks All boxes indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR.


Total 6 8 a


All correct = 3 2 or 3 correct = 2 1 correct = 1 Accept written answers eg “fuel” for answer 1.


b Carbon Dioxide Accept: carbon monoxide, CO2, CO2, CO Do not accept Carbon 1


Wind power

Wave power

One mark per correct choice. There should be only two choices. If there are three choices, award one mark if two of them are correct. All other possibilities of more than two choices get no marks.



Total 6

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A213/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 9 a

It kills the cell

The cell becomes cancerous

One mark per correct choice. There should be only two choices. If there are three choices, award one mark if two of them are correct. All other possibilities of more than two choices get no marks.

1 1

b i

… shielded from the radiation



… as a result of the treatment


Total 4

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A213/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 10 a

sheet of paper

few cm of air

One mark per correct choice. There should be only two choices. If there are three choices, award one mark if two of them are correct. All other possibilities of more than two choices get no marks



b i ii

less than ¼

time taken for ½ to decay

Only one answer is allowed. No mark is awarded if there are two or more ticks. Only one answer is allowed. No mark is awarded if there are two or more ticks.



Total 4

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Mark Scheme A213/02June 2007

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A213/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 1 a 50 Accept fifty 1 b

Different numbers… released

Only one answer is allowed. No mark is awarded if there are two or more ticks. Accept crosses or other clear indications of choice.


c cause direct indirect natural hunting

expansion evolution

Each row should have only one tick (or other indication of choice). Do not credit any row with more than one tick or other clear indication of choice. Three rows correct scores 2 marks. One or two rows correct scores 1 mark.


Total 4 2 a

Only genetic variation… passed on.

Only one answer is allowed. No mark is awarded if there are two or more ticks. Accept crosses or other clear indications of choice.


b natural selection Ignore any reference to ‘survival of the fittest’ or ‘evolution’; treat these as neutral which do not affect the marking. 1

c observation A B Giraffes reach high leaves Male giraffes up to 1m taller… Dead male giraffes… In drought conditions…

Only one box should be indicated in each row. All four boxes correct scores 3 marks. Three boxes correct scores 2 marks. Two boxes correct scores 1 mark. One box correct scores 0 marks. All boxes indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR.


Total 5

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A213/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 3 a


If more than one letter chosen, no marks. Allow writing out response from table in space. Allow credit for clear indication of choice eg arrow from last row of table to question or labelling last row of table (a) or circling F in question itself.


b A and D

One mark each. Answers may be in either order. If there are three choices, award one mark if two of them are correct. All other possibilities of more than two choices get no marks


c E and B

One mark each. Answers may be in either order. If there are three choices, award one mark if two of them are correct. All other possibilities of more than two choices get no marks


Total 5 4 a 15 (%) Allow fifteen. 1 b

true falseSarah Martin Anna Jane Joe

All five rows correct scores 3 marks. Four rows correct scores 2 marks. Two or three rows correct scores 1 mark. All boxes indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR.


Total 4 5 a Polymers;

Sugars; If more than one chosen for this space, 0 marks. If more than one chosen for this space, 0 marks.

1 1

b C; A;

If more than one chosen for this space, 0 marks. If more than one chosen for this space, 0 marks.

1 1

Total 4

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A213/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 6

description ... letterExcretion D Bacteria in soil A Growing plants E Animals eat I Nitrates broken down B

Ignore the 4th row in the table (Animals eat plants: C) as it is given. All four boxes correct scores 3 marks. Three boxes correct scores 2 marks. Two boxes correct scores 1 mark. No mark is awarded if only one box is correct.


Total 3 7

advantage disadvantageChris Anna

Lucy James Peter

Do not count any name appearing in both columns. Names can appear in any order. All 5 correct =3 marks 4 correct = 2 marks 3 correct = 1 mark 2 or fewer correct = 0 marks


Total 3

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A213/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 8 a

sheet of paper

few cm of air

One mark per correct choice. There should be only two choices. If there are three choices, award one mark if two of them are correct. All other possibilities of more than two choices get no marks



b i ii

less than ¼

time taken for ½ to decay

Only one answer is allowed. No mark is awarded if there are two or more ticks. Only one answer is allowed. No mark is awarded if there are two or more ticks.





Only one answer is allowed. No mark is awarded if there are two or more ticks.


Total 5

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A213/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


9 a C and E Both choices, in either order, are needed for the mark.

No extra choices allowed. 1


kills cellbecomes cancerous

One mark per correct choice. There should be only two choices. If there are three choices, award one mark if two of them are correct. All other possibilities of more than two choices get no marks

1 1

c sieverts or Sv Allow sv, SV, sV and any unambiguous spelling of sievert(s) Allow sub-multiples such as millisieverts (mSv) or microsieverts (μSv) 1

Total 4 10 unstable

neutron two neutron(s) fission

If no response in the gaps, check if there has been any selection indicated on the list. More than one response in any space loses the mark for that response. 5

Total 5

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Mark Scheme A214/01June 2007

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A214/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 1 a Shows alarm is working/if it stops there is a problem;

annoying/get used to it so ignore it; owtte. Accept it changes if there is a problem. Change = stop or tone owtte. Ignore distracting

1 1

b i carbon/CO2 emissions/global warming/climate change; limited/finite resource/non-renewable

ignore pollution accept named pollutant: SO2 , NOx , CO, acid rain accept becoming more expensive example accept there will be coal and oil left to use

1 1

ii solar/wind/tidal/hydro/geothermal/wave/hydrogen

do not accept anything nuclear accept named examples eg windmill, wind turbine dam is insufficient


c i distance from source time/duration of exposure thickness of barriers/armoured pipes; type of radiation emitted activity of radioactive material

The two factors need not be in the areas marked ‘1’ and ‘2’, but can be freely written in the space. Apply the list principle for candidates who give more than two factors. Leakage is neutral Each factor must be related to sludge pipe, so do not accept protective clothing or thick leaded windows

Any 2

ii distance – larger distance, smaller dose; time – less time, smaller dose; barrier – thicker barrier, smaller dose type of radiation – different penetrating properties activity – increased activity increases dose

Mark is for the explanation, not the factor. Needs stated or implied comparison. Mark independently from part (i). Can accept ideas here not acceptable in (i) eg leakage owtte

Any 1

iii leaded windows; remote mechanical arm; shielded chambers closed/scrubbed/sealed flasks/ stainless steel urns; concrete barriers/ 3 m plug; buried; heavily armoured pipe

NOT protective clothing safety badges, alarm system – treat as neutral in a list. Apply the list principle for candidates who give more than two factors. Only accept safety factors listed in article

Any 2

d ½

accept any clear unambiguous identification two or more responses =0


e i April accept any clear unambiguous identification two or more responses =0


ii John accept any clear unambiguous identification two or more responses =0


Total 13

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A214/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 2 a i (Other scientists) could not replicate experiments/get

the same results Repeat = replicate 1

ii Money/ fame

accept examples of these eg attention, justifying funding, enhances reputation


iii Explanation of validation; explain ‘100% tight’;

eg checked/repeated/more scrutiny/reliable/above suspicion/avoiding scandal eg all correct/ no errors/ all right/accurate/do not accept ‘more than 100% correct’


b i two named body cells

BOTH NEEDED FOR 1 MARK. Examples: bone, skin, muscle, egg and sperm, heart, brain DO NOT ACCEPT stem cells


ii not specialised/no special job.

Allow they can become any (type of cell) DO NOT ACCEPT reproduction/can produce more cells


iii They may cure diseases. Accept named disease or condition, for example diabetes Accept curing genetic disorders/incurable disease Accept help people with disease DO NOT ACCEPT implication of regrowth of limbs


c i Nazmeen and Gordan

BOTH NEEDED FOR 1 MARK accept any clear unambiguous identification


ii Nazmeen

accept any clear unambiguous identification


iii Tom; (Monster) tumours/cancer

accept any clear unambiguous identification accept a description of tumour or cancer eg uncontrollable cells ignore different cell types


d i Same genes/chromosomes/DNA / no rejection/ would be accepted (by the body)

‘same characteristics’ is neutral ‘body would recognise’ is neutral


ii cells are/become specialised

ORA eg ‘are unspecialised [owtte] until then’ 1

Total 13

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A214/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 3 a i to make them taste sweet(er) Ignore flavour/better 1 ii

it is sweeter; less is needed; less energy/calories (in food)

Any 2 MUST BE comparison


b describes pattern of risk; relates to correct named variables, ie relative risk and BMI

Ignore x-axis variable eg ‘risk goes up with age’ it=risk eg’it goes up’ eg ‘risk increases as BMI goes up’ accept ‘more overweigh’ or ‘more obese’ for BMI, but not just overweight / obese


c thirst / excessive production of urine / weight loss; blindness / gangrene / kidney disease / nerve damage / coma / death

Accept ‘going to the toilet more often’ 1


d i Fructose occurs naturally/is natural / aspartame is artificial/man-made/un-natural/has side-effects

Accept ‘fructose from fruit/honey’ Accept named side-effect of aspartame ‘It’ = fructose


ii it may make you obese/feel hungry/reduces ability ‘burn’ fat


e i (it was carried out) on rats/not on humans; timescale too short;

Either point. Allow eg ‘Rats can’t tell you when they’re hungry’ ‘only one group’ owtte is not creditworthy as sample size is not defined


f Reference to 40 (mg /kg); Use of 40 mg (/kg) together with EITHER body weight OR contents of a drink can; QWC: A clear ordered answer – A logical sequence of at least two statements, clearly understood on first reading;

NOT just ’14 cans’ owtte Correct outline of calculation using ADI and can contents is acceptable for 2 marks QWC may be awarded for incorrect science, but the response must be an attempt to answer the question


1 g the section tells you about the advantages and/or

disadvantage of eating fructose/gives a lot of information about fructose/says why we should or should not eat fructose

The title links to the content of the passage eg ‘It tells you about fructose’ NOT ‘It makes you think about eating fructose’ It is not sufficient to say that the title means you should read the passage


Total 14

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Mark Scheme A214/02 June 2007

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A214/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 1 a ALARA means reducing risk to acceptable level;

No – because alarm does not alter the risk Owtte can paraphrase eg ‘keep risk to a minimum’, ‘as low as reasonably possible’ allow Yes if argue evacuation reduces risk

1 1

b i distance from source; time/duration of exposure; thickness of armoured pipes; type of radiation emitted; activity of radioactive material;

The two factors need not be in the areas marked ‘1’ and ‘2’, but can be freely written in the space. Apply the list principle for candidates who give more than two factors. Leakage is neutral Each factor must be related to sludge pipe, eg not protective clothing, thick windows.

Any 2

ii distance – larger distance, smaller dose/ time – less time, smaller dose/ barrier – thicker barrier, smaller dose/ type of radiation – different penetrating properties/ activity – increased activity increases dose

Mark is for the explanation, not the factor. Needs stated or implied comparison. Mark independently from part (i). Can accept ideas here not acceptable in (i) eg leakage owtte

any 1

iii Thick/leaded windows; remote mechanical arm; shielded chambers; closed/scrubbed/sealed flasks/ stainless steel urns; concrete barriers/ 3 m plug; buried; heavily armoured pipe;

NOT protective clothing safety badges, alarm system – treat as neutral in a list. Apply the list principle for candidates who give more than two factors. Only accept safety factors listed in article

any 2

c halving never reaches zero/still measurable activity/never completely goes/graph plot never reaches axis; indication of use of half-life concept eg by repeated halving

Owtte Correct fraction 1/1024(1/210 ) gets both marks



d different activities/type of radiation/penetration; relating different risk/danger/harm to different types of waste;

accept examples eg ‘emit different amounts of radiation’ a bald statement comparing risks as ‘high level is more of a risk than intermediate’ without any other details scores a maximum of 1 mark

1 1

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A214/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 1 e one reason for using method;

one reason against using method; clear differentiation between can and should;

Method chosen must be for one of space, subduction or geologically inactive burial. eg We can send waste into space and so reduces the danger to us, but there might be accidents which spread radioactive waste over a wide area, so we should not take the risk (= 3 marks)

1 1 1

Total 14 2 a i (Other scientists) could not replicate experiments/get

the same results Repeat = replicate 1

ii Journals;


NOT just ‘ publish’ or just ‘newspapers’ NOT peer review. Journal implied by eg (scientific) article/paper, could be within a newspaper or website; allow email, blog

1 1

iii Explanation of validation; explain ‘100% tight’;

eg checked/repeated/more scrutiny/reliable/above suspicion/avoid scandal eg all correct/ no errors/ all right/accurate/NOT ‘more than 100% correct’


iv May not be a willing donor/ pressured into it/coercion

owtte 1

v Limited number of eggs available; Limited resources for treatment; Open to abuse (selling/coercion/exploitation);

eg number of donors, not everyone wants to donate eg financial/manpower/time resources of NHS eg richer patients may buy their treatment

any 2

b i Public disapproval; Ethical/religious reasons; Could be used for the wrong reasons/open to abuse;

eg scientists ‘playing God’ eg designer babies, human cloning accept one of these reasons plus development of the idea for 2 marks

any 2

ii Broader composition of group; Regulatory function;

To reflect views of wider society/ specific advice eg law, religion, politics. Group of just scientists need some checking/may be biased in favour of scientific development


c i Same genes/chromosomes/DNA / no rejection/ would be accepted (by the body);

‘same characteristics’ is neutral ‘body would recognise’ is neutral


ii cells are/become specialised

ORA eg ‘are unspecialised [owtte] until then’ 1

Total 13

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A214/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 3 a i the data is only about women /aged 30 to 55 /no

idea of sample size 1

ii sample not representative of the whole population; obese people reluctant to participate in sampling; definition of obesity is open to interpretation/BMI not necessarily a direct measure of obesity;

Could be regional/social/ethnicity/lifestyle variation not allowed for eg muscle and fat are different Other valid scientific/social reason(s) acceptable. accept reason plus detail for 2 marks

any 2

b i (it was carried out) on rats/not on humans; timescale too short;

Either point. Allow eg ‘Rats can’t tell you when they’re hungry’ ‘only one group’ owtte is not creditworthy as sample size is not defined


ii link is 'fat burning'; validity of data; comparison of results; use of numerical data from bar chart

Allow ‘using fat’. eg equal amounts of fructose/glucose or equal times of exercise eg those who had eaten fructose burned fewer calories of fat (than those who had eaten glucose)’ Effect on arteries/heart attack is neutral.

1 Any 2

c Reference to 40 (mg /kg); Use of 40 (mg /kg) together with EITHER body weight OR contents of a drink can; QWC: A clear ordered answer - A logical sequence of at least two statements, clearly understood on first reading;

NOT just ’14 cans’ owtte Correct outline of calculation using ADI and can contents is acceptable for 2 marks. QWC may be awarded for incorrect science, but the response must be an attempt to answer the question



1 d sucrose (no mark)

has been used for centuries; not known to have serious side effects eg brain tumours; from natural sources; fructose (no mark) ill effects not proven in humans; (sweeter, so) less needed so reduces energy intake; from natural sources; aspartame (no mark) (so sweet that) very little needs to by added; has virtually no energy content; unlikely to reach ADI;

no mark for choice Accept any reverse arguments. A valid comparison of all the health issues/side effects from all three sweeteners will be two marks as the same issue is being treated more than once. If the comparison were between two sweeteners on the same issue then it would be one mark.

any 3

Total 13

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Mark Scheme A221/01 June 2007

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A221/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 1 a nucleus; 1 b DNA;

alleles; chromosomes; proteins;

If more than one response per line, then line scores zero. 1 1 1 1

c i 2nd box One chromosome from each pair; If more than one box is ticked then score is zero. 1 ii 1st box ;

3rd box; 5th box ;

1 mark for each correct statement chosen. If more than three boxes are ticked then each incorrect box loses one mark from the total for the question. The candidate cannot score less than zero.

1 1 1

Total 9 2 a 1st box Food not digested properly;

4th box Frequent chest infections; If more than two boxes are ticked then each incorrect box loses one mark from the total for the question. Candidates cannot score less than zero.

1 1

b From both parents; If two or more responses are ‘ringed’ then score is zero. Allow any clear positive response such as underlining or shading etc.


c i Correct gametes; Correct combinations in offspring;

F f F FF Ff f Ff ff

Allow Ff OR fF Upper or lower case F and f must be clearly identifiable

1 1

ii ff offspring circled; F f F FF Ff f Ff ff

If ff is clearly circled even if in wrong box then mark as correct.


Total 6

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A221/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 3 a Skin to Provides a physical barrier;

Stomach to Produce acid; Tears to Contain chemicals that destroy micro-organisms;

All 3 correct = 2 marks 1 or 2 correct = 1 mark


b Digest; antibodies;

If more than one response per line, then line scores zero. 1 1

c A before D; D before C;

1 1

Total 6 4 a diet low in salt;

Regular exercise programme; Stop smoking;

If more than three boxes are ticked then each incorrect box loses one mark from the total for the question. The candidate cannot score less than zero.

1 1 1

b They must not have serious side effects; They must be effective;

If more than two boxes are ticked then each incorrect box loses one mark from the total for the question. The candidate cannot score less than zero.

1 1

Total 5 5 a

data explanation neither

One mark per line. More than one tick in each line scores zero for that line. Allow any clear indication of correct answer e.g. cross or shading in etc. or written next to the statement.

1 1 1 1 1

b i 1st box ticked; Limited food If more than one box is ticked then score is zero.


ii Small brain size; small body size;

If more than two answers are underlined then each incorrect line loses one mark from the total for the question. The candidate cannot score less than zero.

1 1

Total 8

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A221/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 6 Eye = Receptor;

Optic nerve = neuron; Brain sends =neuron; Muscles in eye = effecter;

If more than one word ‘ringed’ per box then box scores zero. Allow any other clearly identified correct response eg crossing out wrong words.

1 1 1 1

Total 4 7 a i Ring round ‘increased’;

If more than one word is ‘ringed’ then scores zero. 1

ii Ring round ‘England’;

If more than one word is ‘ringed’ then scores zero. 1

b 1st box; 3rd box;

If more than two boxes are ticked then each incorrect box loses one mark from the total for the question. The candidate cannot score less than zero.

1 1

Total 4

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Mark Scheme A221/02 June 2007

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A221/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 1 a i Correct gametes;

Correct combinations in offspring;

F f F FF Ff f Ff ff

Allow Ff OR fF Upper or lower case F and f must be clearly identifiable


ii ff offspring circled; F f F FF Ff f Ff ff

If ff is clearly circled even if in wrong box then mark as correct.


b Adopt joined to Child will not have cystic fibrosis and Child will not be genetically related; In vitro joined to Child genetically related and process is expensive.

LHS correct =1 RHS correct = 1

1 1

Total 5 2 a Digest;

antibodies 1

1 b B before A

A before D D before C

1 1 1

c i B. Flu virus can change; C. Each antibody only works for one virus

If more than two letters are circled then each incorrect letter loses one mark from the total for the question. The candidate cannot score less than zero. Allow letters circled in the question if not clear in the statements.

1 1

ii A C D for B E against

All correct for 3 4 or 3 correct for 2 marks 2 or 1 correct for 1 mark. If a letter appears on both sides mark as incorrect.

1 1 1

Total 10

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A221/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 3 a 3rd box No serious side effects;

4th box Must be effective against the disease If more than two boxes are ticked then each incorrect box loses one mark from the total for the question. The candidate cannot score less than zero.

1 1

b i 1stPatients divided randomly: 3rd One group given drug other given harmless substitute 6th neither doctors nor patients know which in each group.

If more than three boxes are ticked then each incorrect box loses one mark from the total for the question. The candidate cannot score less than zero.

1 1 1

ii 3rd People taking placebo may get worse; 5th All patient have right to best treatment.

If more than two boxes are ticked then each incorrect box loses one mark from the total for the question. The candidate cannot score less than zero.


Total 7 4 a

data explanation neither

One mark per line. More than one tick in each line scores zero for that line. Allow any clear indication of correct answer eg cross or shading in etc. or written next to the statement.

1 1 1 1 1

b i 1st box ticked

Limited food 1

ii 1b, 2a, 3a, 4b, 5a All 5 correct 3 marks 3or 4 correct 2 marks 2 correct for 1 mark Only one correct scores zero


Total 9 5 Electrical impulses;

Fast, short time; Chemicals; Slow, long time

one mark for each correct line 1 1 1 1

Total 4

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A221/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 6 a i 5.8 % Any clear indication of the correct answer eg tick, cross, shading etc.

Ignore obviously crossed out work unless it is the only answer given. 1

ii 1st Wales, number of places increased 2.5 times; 3rd Scotland number of places increased about 1.5 times.

If more than two boxes are ticked then each incorrect box loses one mark from the total for the question. The candidate cannot score less than zero.

1 1

b i 2nd box Rivers became polluted; 4th box animals introduced- competition

If more than two boxes are ticked then each incorrect box loses one mark from the total for the question. The candidate cannot score less than zero.

1 1

ii 1st box Provide new materials. 3rd box Provide new medicines.

If more than two boxes are ticked then each incorrect box loses one mark from the total for the question. The candidate cannot score less than zero.

1 1

Total 7

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Mark Scheme A321/01 June 2007

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A321/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 1 a i

cars lorries

Judge entire set of five words: first and fourth should have rings around them (see note8) One mark for each correct answer. If three words ringed mark these responses and deduct one mark. If four or five words ringed 0 marks.



Carbon dioxide decreased more than nitrogen dioxide and particulates

Judge entire set of four boxes: second should have a tick (or other clear indication of choice) and others should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. All four boxes correct scores 1 mark. Three or less boxes correct scores 0 marks.


iii cars / lorries; decreased

One mark for each correct answer 2


Buses and taxis carry more people in each vehicle than cars

Judge entire set of four boxes: third should have a tick (or other clear indication of choice) and others should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. All four boxes correct scores 1 mark. Three or less boxes correct scores 0 marks.


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A321/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 1 b

They both dissolve in rain water

Judge entire set of four boxes: second should have a tick (or other clear indication of choice) and others should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. All four boxes correct scores 1 mark. Three or less boxes correct scores 0 marks.



nitrogen 78 oxygen 21 argon 1

All three correct = 2 marks Two or one correct = 1 mark


Total 9

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A321/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 2 a


Accept any clear mark on correct word. More than one response = 0 marks



carbon carbon dioxide

hydrogen water

There should be one line from carbon to carbon dioxide. This scores 1 mark. More than one line from carbon scores 0. There should be one line from hydrogen to water. This scores 1 mark. More than one line from hydrogen scores 0.


c i

Circles MUST touch. There must be two clear circles and one shaded. Allow letters in circles like this: Allow lines connecting circles like this: Circles can be at any angle and in any order whether shading and/or letters used.


ii People could use less electricity by switching off appliances when they are not being used

A tick in any other box = 0 marks


Total 5


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A321/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 3 a

Judge each row of two boxes. The first row should have a tick (or other clear indication of choice) in the first box and the second box should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). Each of the second, third and fourth rows should have a tick (or other clear indication of choice) in the second box and the first box should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. Consider whether each row is correct. The wrong box indicated in the row, two boxes indicated in the row or two blank boxes in the row is incorrect. Four rows correct scores 3 marks. Three rows correct scores 2 marks. Two rows correct scores 1 mark. One or no rows correct scores 0 marks.


b fat sugar

Judge entire set of five words: first and fourth should have rings around them. One mark for each correct answer. If three words ringed mark these responses and deduct one mark. If four or five words ringed 0 marks.


c heart disease / strokes / kidney disease / amputations / blindness

One mark for each correct example. Allow words that have been written within sentences eg People with diabetes suffer from strokes.



Most people will not get diabetes. Most people are not aware of how serious diabetes is.

Judge entire set of five boxes: third and fifth should have ticks (or other clear indication of choice) and others should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. All five boxes correct scores 2 marks. Four or three boxes correct scores 1 mark. Two or less boxes correct scores 0 marks.


Total 9

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Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 4 a i

to stop microbes growing on the product

A tick in any other box = 0 marks



Judge entire set of six words: first and fourth should have rings around them. One mark for each correct answer. If three words ringed mark these responses and deduct one mark. If four, five or six words ringed 0 marks.


b i

Additives with an E number have passed a safety test,

Additives with an E number are approved for use in the UK Europe

Judge entire set of four boxes: first and third should have a tick (or other clear indication of choice) and others should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. All four boxes correct scores 1 mark. Three or less boxes correct scores 0 marks.



Judge entire set of four substances: third and fourth should have rings around them (or other clear indication of choice) and others should not be indicated (or have indication of choice crossed out). 1 mark for both correct words ringed. 0 marks for any other answer.

Total 5

vegetable oil water

synthetic fertiliser weed killer

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A321/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 5 a i

Accept any clear mark on correct word. See note 8. More than one response = 0 marks



It is much higher than all of the other results.

A tick in any other box = 0 marks



Accept any clear mark on correct number. More than one response = 0 marks


iv Measurements can vary due to human error

There may be small variations between different samples of the material

One mark for each correct answer.




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A321/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 5 b i

non-biodegradable biodegradable made from crude oil made from trees

Judge entire set of five boxes: second and fifth should have ticks (or other clear indication of choice) and others should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. All five boxes correct scores 2 marks. Four or three boxes correct scores 1 mark. Two or less boxes correct scores 0 marks.

ii softer If no response on the dotted line check if the word softer has been ringed or indicated in another way. Give 1 mark if it has.


Total 8 6 a PVC ; nylon One mark for each correct answer.

Answers in any order. If 3 fibres given including both PVC and Nylon = 1 mark If 3 fibres given that do not include both PVC and Nylon = 0 marks If 4 or more fibres given = 0 marks.


b i Wool

If answer gives more than one fibre. 0 marks given 1

ii (high / good ) heat insulation/heat insulate

Allow answer if included in a sentence. eg It is a good choice because it insulates heat. If more than one property given in answer. 0 marks


c Cotton will absorb a lot of sweat

A tick in any other box = 0 marks



Silk is more comfortable next to the skin

A tick in any other box = 0 marks


Total 6

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A321/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 1 a

statement type 1 diabetes

type 2 diabetes

controlled by insulin injections

controlled by diet and exercise

usually occurs in people over 50 the body no longer responds to its own insulin

Judge each row of two boxes. The first row should have a tick (or other clear indication of choice) in the first box and the second box should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). Each of the second, third and fourth rows should have a tick (or other clear indication of choice) in the second box and the first box should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. Consider whether each row is correct. The wrong box indicated in the row, two boxes indicated in the row or two blank boxes in the row is incorrect. Four rows correct scores 3 marks. Three rows correct scores 2 marks. Two rows correct scores 1 mark. One or no rows correct scores 0 marks.


b i

The consequences of contracting diabetes.

The different treatments for type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

The percentage of people with type 2 diabetes compared with type 1.

The chance of diabetes occurring in people with a high fat and sugar diet.

Judge entire set of four boxes: the first and fourth should have a tick (or other clear indication of choice) and others should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. All four boxes correct scores 1 mark. Three or less boxes correct scores 0 marks.


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A321/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 1 b ii

Most people are not overweight.

Diabetes is not a serious illness.

Most people will not get diabetes.

Poor diet does not cause diabetes.

Most people are not aware of how serious diabetes is.

Judge entire set of five boxes: third and fifth should have ticks (or other clear indication of choice) and others should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. All five boxes correct scores 2 marks. Four or three boxes correct scores 1 mark. Two or less boxes correct scores 0 marks.



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A321/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 2 a

vegetable oil water

Judge entire set of six substances: fifth and sixth should have rings around them (or other clear indication of choice) and others should not be indicated (or have indication of choice crossed out). All substances are indicated scores 0 marks. All substances without indication is NR. All six substances correct scores 2 marks. If only one substances circled, then Five substances correct scores 1 mark. Four or less substances correct scores 0 marks. If two substances circled, then Five or four substances correct scores 1 mark. Three or less substances correct scores 0 marks.


b i

Additives with an E number have passed a safety test. Additives with an E number have been used for many years.

Additives with an E number are approved for use in the UK and Europe. Additives with an E number cause problems for people with food allergies.

Judge entire set of four boxes: first and third should have a tick (or other clear indication of choice) and others should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. All four boxes correct scores 1 mark. Three or less boxes correct scores 0 marks.


ii synthetic fertiliser weedkiller

Judge entire set of four substances: third and fourth should have rings around them (or other clear indication of choice) and others should not be indicated (or have indication of choice crossed out). All substances are indicated scores 0 marks. All substances without indication is NR. All four substances correct scores 1 mark. Three or less substances correct scores 0 marks.


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Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 2 c i

For the same quantity of nutrients, manure is heavier and bulkier to transport. It is not possible to produce enough manure to give the quantity of nutrients provided by synthetic fertilisers

Judge entire set of four boxes: second and fourth should have a tick (or other clear indication of choice) and others should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. All four boxes correct scores 1 mark. Three or less boxes correct scores 0 marks.



People in the UK have plenty of food available and many more are becoming interested in eating food that is good for health. People in developing countries may have food shortages and are more interested in getting enough food than whether it is organically grown.

Judge entire set of five boxes: fourth and fifth should have ticks (or other clear indication of choice) and others should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. All five boxes correct scores 2 marks. Four or three boxes correct scores 1 mark. Two or less boxes correct scores 0 marks.



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Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 3 a i

The number of cars decreased more than the number of lorries. The number of cars and lorries decreased and the number of buses increased.

Judge entire set of six boxes: third and fifth should have ticks (or other clear indication of choice) and others should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. All six boxes correct scores 2 marks. Four or five boxes correct scores 1 mark. Three or less boxes correct scores 0 marks.



Carbon dioxide decreased more than nitrogen dioxide and particulates.

Judge entire set of four boxes: second should have a tick (or other clear indication of choice) and others should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. All four boxes correct scores 1 mark. Three or less boxes correct scores 0 marks.



There is a correlation between the decrease in distance travelled by cars and reduction in air pollution.

Judge entire set of four boxes: fourth should have a tick (or other clear indication of choice) and others should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. All four boxes correct scores 1 mark. Three or less boxes correct scores 0 marks.


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A321/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 3 a iv

Buses and taxis carry more people in each vehicle than cars.

Judge entire set of four boxes: third should have a tick (or other clear indication of choice) and others should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. All four boxes correct scores 1 mark. Three or less boxes correct scores 0 marks.



Judge each column separately. A line from the top box in the first column to any box in middle column is correct. A line from (ie left to right) the middle box in the second column to any box in the third column is correct. A line from any box in the middle column to the bottom box in the third column is correct. No other boxes should have lines from or to them. Lines need not be straight. Lines need not touch the boxes, but a line half way between two boxes is incorrect. Ignore lines that have been drawn and then crossed out. Lines to or from more than one box in a column is an incorrect choice for that column. The correct box chosen in each of the three columns scores 3 marks. The correct box chosen in each of two columns scores 2 marks. The correct box chosen in one column scores1 mark. An incorrect box chosen in each of the three columns scores 0 marks. No lines drawn is NR.


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A321/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 3 c

They both dissolve in rain water.

Judge entire set of four boxes: second should have a tick (or other clear indication of choice) and others should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. All four boxes correct scores 1 mark. Three or less boxes correct scores 0 marks.


9 4 a hydrocarbon / hydrocarbons / hydrocarbon molecule

/ hydrocarbon compound / hydrocarbon chain

NOT hydrocarbon atom 1

b carbon dioxide / CO2; water / water vapour / steam / hydrogen oxide / H2O

One mark for each correct name, in either order. NOT CO2 / CO2 / Co2 / carbon dioxides / carbon monoxide / carbon / particulate(s) / soot NOT H2O / H2O / h2O / h2o / hydrogen dioxide


c one on right; a second on right / figure 2 in front of their correct diagram for carbon dioxide on right; a second on left / figure 2 in front of existing diagram for carbon monoxide on the left

Non Shaded circle(s) must touch shaded circle to get mark. For , the three circles need not be linear but the two non-shaded circles must not touch. Accept circle with c inside it for shaded circle. Accept circle with o inside it for non-shaded circle. If the candidate has drawn any extra diagrams to the three given in the marking scheme a maximum of 2 marks only can be awarded.



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A321/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 5 a i (an) outlier / anomalous / anomaly NOT ‘different’.


ii 240 No other answer acceptable. 1 b i

All of the results fit into a narrow range.

Judge entire set of four boxes: first should have a tick (or other clear indication of choice) and others should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. All four boxes correct scores 1 mark. Three or less boxes correct scores 0 marks.



To make sure that the type of poly(ethene) was the only variable likely to affect the outcome.

Judge entire set of four boxes: fourth should have a tick (or other clear indication of choice) and others should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. All four boxes correct scores 1 mark. Three or less boxes correct scores 0 marks.



The ranges for the two types of poly(ethene) do not overlap.

The mean for the second type of poly(ethene) does not lie within the range for the first type of poly(ethene).

Judge entire set of five boxes: first and fifth should have ticks (or other clear indication of choice) and others should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. All five boxes correct scores 2 marks. Four or three boxes correct scores 1 mark. Two or less boxes correct scores 0 marks.


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A321/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 5 c i

Paper is made from trees. When a tree is cut down another can be planted to replace it.

Judge entire set of six boxes: first and sixth should have ticks (or other clear indication of choice) and others should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. All six boxes correct scores 1 mark. Five or less boxes correct scores 0 marks.



poly(ethene) paper tick ( ) two rows

used for the past 50 years used for hundreds of years

non-biodegradable biodegradable stretches when pulled hard breaks when pulled hard

transparent opaque

made from crude oil made from trees

Judge entire set of five boxes: second and fifth should have ticks (or other clear indication of choice) and others should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. All five boxes correct scores 2 marks. Four or three boxes correct scores 1 mark. Two or less boxes correct scores 0 marks.



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A321/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 6 a

tights cotton high heat insulation

underwear nylon high stretchiness

jumper wool high water absorbance

Mark each set of three joined boxes from left to right independently. tights – nylon – high stretchiness underwear – cotton – high water absorbance jumper – wool – high heat insulation All three sets of three boxes correct scores 2 marks. Two or one sets of three boxes correct scores 1 mark. No sets of boxes correct scores 0 marks. Lines need not be straight and need not touch the boxes.. A line that is half way between two boxes is incorrect.


b i

Plasticizer molecules reduce the forces of attraction between polymer chains.

Judge entire set of four boxes: fourth should have a tick (or other clear indication of choice) and others should be blank (or have indication of choice crossed out). All boxes are indicated scores 0 marks. All boxes blank is NR. All four boxes correct scores 1 mark. Three or less boxes correct scores 0 marks.


ii Increased chain length / decreased chain length / longer chain / shorter chain; increased crystallinity / decreased crystallinity / more crystalline / less crystalline; (more/less) cross-linking / (more/less) cross linked

Accept any two correct answers for one mark each. Comparison needed for answers based on chain length or crystallinity NOT branched / more/less branched / crystalline / crystallise / more/less molecules / vulcanisation / join up .



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A321/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


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Mark Scheme A331/01 June 2007

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A331/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 1 crust core


2 marks for all three correct. 1 mark for one or two correct.


Total 2 2

Do not count the dotted lines between greyed boxes as they are given. Mark each side independently. Accept non-straight lines. Left hand side 2 marks for all three lines correct. 1 mark for one or two lines correct. Right hand side 2 marks for all three lines correct. 1 mark for one or two lines correct. If any box has more than one line leaving it, then ignore all lines from that box.


Total 4 3

Light travels much faster… Galaxies are very great…

Light travels through space… The Earth goes once around…

2 marks for both second box & third box correct and no other ticks. 1 mark for second box or third box correct and at least two blanks.


Total 2

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A331/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 4 a

Star A gives out less light… Star A gives out more light… Star A and star B give out…

No extra ticks allowed.


b Star B moves towards …

As the Earth moves … The earth’s axis is tilted …

No extra ticks allowed.


c light pollution planets

Words must be in the order given. 1 mark for each correct response. If more than one word is written in a gap and none crossed out, give no marks for that choice.


Total 5 5 Look at lines leaving left-hand boxes.

2 marks for all three links correct: 1 mark for one or two links correct. If any box has more than one line leaving or arriving at it, then ignore all those lines.


Total 2 6 a Adams test 4 ( 80 Bq/m3) 1 b

Clark has least Davies has significantly more

Brown and Davies have similar Adams and Brown exactly same

2 marks for both first box & third box correct and no other ticks. 1 mark for first box or third box correct and at least two blanks.


c small risk

Identical risk No risk

No extra ticks allowed


Total 4

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A331/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 7 a

Look at lines leaving left-hand boxes. (Same pattern as question 5) 2 marks for all three links correct: 1 mark for one or two links correct. If any box has more than one line leaving or arriving at it, then ignore all those lines.


b reactor turbine generator transformer 3 marks for all correct 2 marks for three correct. 1 mark for one or two correct. Allow clear indication eg lines from words in the list to boxes on the diagram.


c ionising cancer dose

Words must be in the order given. 1 mark for each correct response. If more than one word is written in a gap and none crossed out, give no marks for that choice.


Total 8 Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 8 a

Warms Earth’s surface B Absorbed by ozone A Produces greenhouse effect C

1 mark for each correct response. If more than one letter is written in a gap and none crossed out, give no marks for that choice. Allow clear indication eg lines from letters on the diagram to boxes on the table.


b Sea levels go down Weather could become same Some places impossible to grow food

No extra ticks allowed.


Total 4

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A331/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 9 a

(D) C A B E

1 mark for C before A; 1 mark for A before B; 1 mark for B before E. eg CABE = 3, CBAE = 2, BCEA = 2, EABC = 1.



Look at lines leaving left-hand boxes. (Same pattern as questions 5 & 7a) 2 marks for all three links correct: 1 mark for one or two links correct. If any box has more than one line leaving or arriving at it, then ignore all those lines.


Total 5 10 a

Adults less at risk Mobiles completely safe Children have thinner skulls Radiation causes cancer Health risks from mobiles Children’s brains more likely to be affected

2 marks for correct four ticks & two blanks. 1 mark for two or three ticks correct and at least two blanks. Allow any clear indication of choice.


b i Abul Beth Clive David

David must be blank for any marks. 2 marks for all three correct. 1 mark for any two of Abul, Beth & Clive correct.


b ii Abul Beth Clive David

2 marks for both Beth & Clive correct and no other ticks. 1 mark for Beth or Clive correct and at least two blanks.


Total 6

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A331/01 Mark Scheme June 2007


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Mark Scheme A331/02 June 2007

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A331/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 1 a Adults less at risk

Mobiles completely safe Children have thinner skulls Radiation causes cancer Health risks from mobiles Children’s brains more likely to be affected

2 marks for correct four ticks & two blanks. 1 mark for two or three ticks correct and at least two blanks. Allow any clear indication of choice.


b i Abul Beth Clive David

David must be blank for any marks. 2 marks for all three correct. 1 mark for any two of Abul, Beth & Clive correct.


ii Abul Beth Clive David

2 marks for both Beth & Clive correct and no other ticks. 1 mark for Beth or Clive correct and at least two blanks. 2

Total 6 2 a

reversible changes in ozone D energy for photosynthesis C Ionising radiation ….. D Communication with satallites… A

1 mark for each correct answer. 4

b tree rings… burning forests… computer climate models ... deep ice from Antarctic … average temperature …

2 marks for correct three ticks and two blanks. 1 mark for one or two correct ticks and at least two blanks.


Total 6

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A331/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 3 a

Photons spread … Infrared breaks molecules… Photons travel further… Infrared less energy than uv… Intensity depends on number of photons

2 marks for both top box & bottom box correct and no other ticks. 1 mark for top box or bottom box correct and at least two blanks. (Note: If three boxes ticked including the two correct boxes 1 mark scored.)


b less energy spread out more energy

No extra ticks allowed. 1

Total 3 4 a Adams test 4 ( 80 Bq / m3)


b Clark has least Davies has significantly more

Brown and Davies have similar Adams and Brown exactly same

2 marks for both first box & third box correct and no other ticks. 1 mark for first box or third box correct and at least two blanks. 2

c small risk Identical risk

No risk 1

Total 4

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A331/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 5 a Electricity is generated C

Voltage is changed D Nuclear fission A

Radioactive waste A High pressure steam turns turbines B

4 marks for five correct 3 marks for four correct 2 marks for three correct 1 mark for two correct 0 marks for one or none correct


b No carbon dioxide expensive

Change in nuclei

Mark each row separately. 1 mark for each row No extra ticks allowed. Lose mark in row of extra tick


c i A B C D

1 mark for bottom 3 boxes ticked. 1

ii A B C D

No extra ticks allowed


Total 9 6 a Star A gives out less light…

Star A gives out more light… Star A and star B give out…

No extra ticks allowed. 1

b Star B moves towards … As the Earth moves … The earth’s axis is tilted …

No extra ticks allowed. 1

c i D

No incorrect choices allowed


ii A C E

3 marks for correct three correct and two not ringed. 2 mark for two correct and at least two not ringed. 1 mark for one correct and at least two not ringed.


Total 6

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A331/02 Mark Scheme June 2007


Question Expected Answers Rationale Marks 7 a (B) C E D F (A)

1 mark for C anywhere before E 1 mark for E anywhere before D 1 mark for D anywhere before F


b fossils E Movement of continents D or B

Sea floor spreading F

1 mark for each correct answer 3

c 10 cm ( second number)

No incorrect choices allowed


d Movement in mantle Magnetic field reversal Solidification of magma

No extra ticks allowed. 1

Total 8

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General Certificate of Secondary Education Twenty First Century Science (Specification Codes J630, J633, J634, J635)

June 2007 Assessment Series

Unit Threshold Marks

Unit Maximum Mark

a* a b c d e f g u

Raw 42 n/a n/a n/a 33 28 24 20 16 0 A211/01 UMS 34 n/a n/a n/a 30 25 20 15 10 0

Raw 42 35 30 25 20 15 12 n/a n/a n/a A211/02 UMS 50 45 40 35 30 25 23 n/a n/a n/a

Raw 42 n/a n/a n/a 33 28 24 20 16 0 A212/01 UMS 34 n/a n/a n/a 30 25 20 15 10 0

Raw 42 37 33 28 24 19 16 n/a n/a n/a A212/02 UMS 50 45 40 35 30 25 23 n/a n/a n/a Raw 42 n/a n/a n/a 31 27 23 19 15 0 A213/01 UMS 34 n/a n/a n/a 30 25 20 15 10 0

Raw 42 37 31 25 20 16 14 n/a n/a n/a A213/02 UMS 50 45 40 35 30 25 23 n/a n/a n/a

Raw 40 n/a n/a n/a 22 17 12 8 4 0 A214/01 UMS 34 n/a n/a n/a 30 25 20 15 10 0

Raw 40 25 20 15 10 5 2 n/a n/a n/a A214/02 UMS 50 45 40 35 30 25 23 n/a n/a n/a

Raw 40 35 30 25 21 17 13 10 7 0 A219/01 UMS 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 0 Raw 42 n/a n/a n/a 33 29 25 21 17 0 A221/01 UMS 34 n/a n/a n/a 30 25 20 15 10 0

Raw 42 41 38 33 29 24 21 n/a n/a n/a A221/02 UMS 50 45 40 35 30 25 23 n/a n/a n/a

Raw 42 n/a n/a n/a 30 25 20 16 12 0 A321/01 UMS 34 n/a n/a n/a 30 25 20 15 10 0

Raw 42 36 31 25 20 13 9 n/a n/a n/a A321/02 UMS 50 45 40 35 30 25 23 n/a n/a n/a

Raw 42 n/a n/a n/a 32 28 24 20 16 0 A331/01 UMS 34 n/a n/a n/a 30 25 20 15 10 0

Raw 42 35 30 25 21 15 12 n/a n/a n/a A331/02 UMS 50 45 40 35 30 25 23 n/a n/a n/a

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Specification Aggregation Results Overall threshold marks in UMS (i.e. after conversion of raw marks to uniform marks).

Maximum Mark

A* A B C D E F G U

J630 300 270 240 210 180 150 120 90 60 0

J633 J634 J635

Not Aggregating in June 2007

The cumulative percentage of candidates awarded each grade was as follows:

A* A B C D E F G U Total No. of Cands

J630 0.6 8.1 26.6 49.8 70.4 84.3 92.9 97.0 100 13632 For a description of how UMS marks are calculated see; Statistics are correct at the time of publication

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Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations is a Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England Registered Office; 1 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB1 2EU Registered Company Number: 3484466 OCR is an exempt Charity OCR (Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations) Head office Telephone: 01223 552552 Facsimile: 01223 552553 © OCR 2007

OCR (Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations) 1 Hills Road Cambridge CB1 2EU OCR Customer Contact centre (General Qualifications) Telephone: 01223 553998 Facsimile: 01223 552627 Email: [emailprotected] For staff training purposes and as part of our quality assurance programme your call may be recorded or monitored

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.